Idea Development

All attractive games start with an astonishing idea

Game Design

Learn how to design the game mechanics and create the script


Learn coding with our Udemy videos to make your idea come to life


What is Gamejam?

Gamejam is a one-week long game hackaton. The participants will be required to create a game according to the theme that is announced at the beginning of the week. After all games are submitted at the end of the week, our judges will review all games according to the criterias and pick the winner teams, which will get awards. Participation is limited to groups of 4, individuals are also welcome.


We have prepared a series of Udemy videos to refresh your knowledge about game development or to help you from scratch. The series will be provided a month prior to the Gamejam and participants will be able to work on the videos as long as they need. We will also have 3 Q&A sessions during the Gamejam week. You will be able to ask questions any time on the Discord channel created particularly for Gamejam.



The Gamejam week will proceed as shown below. After all teams submit their games on Sunday evening, the winners will be anounced the following Friday. Note that our team will be available before, during and after the Gamejam to answer your questions.




Learn what others think about Gamejam!

"We are very excited to add your comments here!"

Hazal Aylin Kara


"We would love to see you in our contest!"

Arda Eren


"Learn game development with us."

Rana Taki


Our Team

If you have any questions prior to, during or after the Gamejam, our team would be happy to help you.

2 Video Series
5 Days
3 Awards
59 Participants


By watching our Udemy game development series, you could learn how to create a game from scratch!

Develop an Idea

Before creating a game, it is necessary to examine other games to find a good idea. If you don't know where to start, these videos are just for you.
Go to Udemy!

Design the Mechanics

If you have an idea but don't know how to design, you can start by watching these videos.
Go to Udemy!

Code the Game

If you have both an idea and a design and you want to code your game asap, we recommend watching these videos.
Go to Udemy!

Frequently Asked Questions

We have answered the frequently asked questions about Gamejam! If you still have a question in mind, don't hesitate to send an e-mail to our instructors or contact us from

How do I register?

You can register by filling out the form that appears when you click the "Register" button on the top of the page. Don't forget to join our Discord channel! Link provided at the end of registeration.

Do I have to have prior knowledge?

No. We have released a video tutorial series for those who do not know how to create a game from scratch. You can build your knowledge by watching these videos. They will cover everything you need to know about game development for the Game Jam. Additionally, we will publish our documentation.

How are the winners chosen?

After revealing the theme, certain criteria will also be announced. Our judges will determine the most suitable winners in the light of these criteria.

What are the awards?

We will be providing mentorship opportunities from game development companies for the winner so that they could enhance their games and possibly publish it. And we might have small surprises for the participants in the contenst!