Pi Wars UK 2021 Blog
This year, as HisarCS, we are participating in the Pi Wars Competition 2021 – Pi Wars at Home with a team of 5. Below, you can find our exciting journey of building our robot.
On the 26th of October 2020, we made our first meeting even though it had to be remote. After talking about what we’ve been up to, we took a look at, “Up The Garden”, “Feed The Fish”, “DIY Obstacle Course” and “Tidy Up the Toys” challenges. When we had a clear idea of what we were supposed to do for the challenges, we made a roadmap based on the point system, our abilities, and our strengths. WE ARE READY TO START!
We now have the equipment ready for our robot which is very exciting!! After gathering all the required tools, we dropped them off at their first stop, one of our team member’s house, where the tools will be turned into a functioning robot. After the robot is built, it will be the guest of another team member :), where it will gain the ability to follow a line!! Unfortunately, because of COVID-19, we are not able to get together as a team. However, we are meeting online on a regular basis and discussing the updates and our future plans. We managed to keep the good teamwork by sharing the robot and transferring it from house to house so we can all work on it and make contributions. Now that we have our motors, chassis, RasPi 4, and many more in our hands, we are ready to build our robot.